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Read Smart Podcast: The Winner of Winners Shortlist – Craig Brown

Read Smart Podcast

Read Smart Podcast The Winner of Winners Shortlist Craig Brown

The latest episode of The Read Smart Podcast features host Razia Iqbal speaking to Craig Brown about his book One, Two, Three, Four:  The Beatles in Time, which won the Baillie Gifford Prize in 2020.

Brown’s book has been described by The Guardian as “not a biography so much as a group portrait in vignettes, a rearrangement of stories and legends whose trick is to make The Beatles gleam anew.” One Two Three Four is a kaleidoscopic and unique exploration of the timeless band. In the episode, the originality of the book is explored, alongside how Brown feels ahead of the winner announcement.

Listen now to hear all about it. The podcast is generously supported by the Blavatnik Family Foundation. To catch up on past episodes, click here. Follow @BGPrize on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube.

Craig Brown will be appearing live at 6pm on 23rd April at the Cambridge Literary Festival alongside two other shortlisted #WinnerofWinners authors –  Barbara Demick and Patrick Radden Keefe. Buy tickets here.

The winner of the award will be announced on Thursday 27 April at an event held at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh.

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