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An Empire of Splendor: What to Expect at ‘The Great Mughals’ in London

A large Mughal-era carpet faces a video of the Taj Mahal and marble maquettes for Mumtaz Mahal’s cenotaph. Peter Kelleher, © Victoria and Albert Museum

Shah Jahan, his father Jahangir and his grandfather Akbar were the Great Mughals, the early emperors of the mighty Mughal dynasty that sprawled across the Indian subcontinent (that then included Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan and Bangladesh) and ruled from 1526 until 1858. The emperors’ elevation from mere garden variety Mughals to greatness comes from their patronage of beautiful things, and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London’s “The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence” exhibition applauds the trio’s creative and cultural achievements. The exhibition is supported by the Blavatnik Family Foundation.

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